While unpacking and getting settled in our new house, I found a daily report from the day care my kids used to attend. The paper was my son's and is like most day care reports. The teacher informed me via this sheet what my son ate, what he learned, how he participated, how he behaved and even when his diaper was changed and what was in it.
Unless there was some milestone described on the sheet, I usually tossed the daily report-I just can't stand clutter anymore and there is only so much stuff you can save. Well, I couldn't see any reason I had saved this particular correspondence-and then I remembered. I saved it for the blog. (If you recall the entry "Does this look like a bookmarker to you?"-you'll understand.)
I've taken as clear a picture as I can.
Each day the class had a Theme. On this day the Theme was "Fire Fighter." And the Word of the Week "Quicky."
Q - U - I - C - K - Y QUICKY.
Yah, right there in black and white... Quicky.
I immediately wondered what on earth they could be teaching my son? The dictionary states the definition as "hurried repair."
I know only one definition of this word and it once involved a fantacy fire fighter. Apparently, my son's teacher had the same fantacy and she ended up turning it into a Freudian Slip on my son's daily report.
The word of the week was actually "Quickly."