Friday, November 30, 2007


...for parades, festivals, and other holiday events.

I have already taken my kids to a FREE Christmas in Kemah Snow Day in the Kemah Light House District. Santa even made an appearance.

Breakfast with Santa is a popular event that many restaurants host. We'll be attending one at The Aquarium Restaurant. This event is not free, but the prices are reasonable. Full breakfast buffet with Santa is $14.99 for adults, $7.99 for children and kids 3 and under are free! What makes this Santa breakfast extra special is Santa will also be seen scuba diving!!

We'll be attending a free Christmas boat parade next weekend.

It's not too late to join in the fun-be sure to check your local paper/magazine, community center and/or the internet for events in your area.

Want to bring along a cheap and easy noise maker for your next parade event-
-1 plastic cup
-a handful of dried beans (any kind or use small rocks or beads)
-construction paper or card stock/index card
-ribbon or any other decorations
-glue or tape and scissors
Cut the paper in a circle to cover the top of the cup, glue or tape paper circle to top of cup. Decorate with ribbon.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In Lieu of a Proud Parent Bumper Sticker...

When I first moved into our new home, I wasn't sure about the school district in the area. I had heard good and bad things from neighbors about the local elementary school. I visited the school with my daughter and found the school and staff quite impressive. My instincts were right. I don't think the testing and "exemplary" status information you look up online or read in the news paper can always tell you everything about a school. You should visit the school and see for yourself.

My daughter started Kindergarten this Fall. Her first school, Stewart Elementary has been awarded the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award from the Department of Education.

Stewart Elementary is one of 23 in the BIG state of Texas and one of 287 schools nationwide to achieve the Blue Ribbon Award. The award is the highest honor granted to an American school.

The school had a full-fledged parade including Mayors from the cities of Kemah and Clear Lake Shores and representatives from the Department of Education and local Senators' offices. The Mayors of each city declared November 16th LaVace Stewart Elementary Day. (My husband and I decorated our new golf cart and joined in the parade. My dad recently won the golf cart a raffle-how awesome is that!!)

All of the students were given t-shirts and dog tags to mark the occasion. It was an event much bigger than any I ever expected to attend during my daughter's first year of school.
We all had a great time and we are so proud of my daughter's Elementary school!


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Viva La Diva

For those of you who don't know (or remember), I participated in a pilot episode of a make-over show titled Viva La Diva back in 2004. The experience was truly once-in-a-life-time and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! I really wanted a break from my job, my toddler, my life and just be pampered! During the taping of the show, I realized how lost I had become in my daily routine. I've since written several blog entries about taking time for yourself-all of which were inspired by having been a part of this show.

Top perks of being on the show:

OH-and the BEST part...the make-over was done by 4 drag queens!! Who better to make you gorgeous? Plus, they were hilarious as well as helpful!
The only negative-literally-the wax job. They mention in the show "Brazilian." No, it was ALL taken away! Luckily, I couldn't stop laughing from pure humiliation or I might have been crying!

I hope you enjoy the concept as much as I do. PLEASE support my friend and give her youtube video lots of hits! Let's put these talented DIVAS to work on some other deserving women who want some fun, great tips and to feel good about themselves!

And yes, I'm a total DORK!! But, to give you an idea of just how good a make-over job the Diva's did-I had my son 9 months later! In addition, I've kept up with all the make-up and wardrobe tips. I feel great and I look better than ever. Feeling good about myself makes me happy-and being happy is the best gift I can give myself and those around me.

Click the following link to view the show 5 minute teaser
(Pilot episodes don't always air if changes are made to the show-so this may be your only chance to see it!)

Thanks to all-spread the word!