Friday, July 25, 2008

That school bell will be ringing soon...

...are you and the kids ready? Are you hitting all the early bird "back to school" sales for clothes and supplies?

I thought I'd share the list of things I need to do before the start of school (my list is hanging on my fridge as a constant reminder):

-clean out all drawers and closets (Get closets ready for Fall wardrobe-get rid of junk, clutter, broken or old toys & go through grown out or worn out clothes)
*this helps you figure out what clothes may be needed for the next school year
-get school bus schedule
-make dry erase board with morning and nighttime routines for the kids
-get the kids back on the "school" routine 2 to 3 weeks prior to school starting
-stock up on school items and snacks
-sign up for day care and after school care
-Check ups (make sure vaccinations are up-to-date)
-hair cuts

I had previously purchased a school supply kit from the PTA at my daughter's school - so I didn't have to add buy school classroom supplies to my list.

School starts August 25th for us and it's going to be here before we know it! Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A memorable brick...

A brick in time...saves your name-permanently!

I found this to be an amazing way to celebrate a first home (really any home) an anniversary, a birthday, thanking or remembering a family member or friend-truly there are countless reasons to memorialize someone, something or some family or group by purchasing a brick or tile along a public walkway or park.
I've seen bricks just like these all over the country. In my case, the Kemah Historical Society was needing a bricked area outside of their Old School House Museum. They used inscribed bricks and tiles to help fund a portion of the project. At $60 bucks a brick, I thought the cost of seeing that brick there for the course of my life and years after was well worth it! My kids get a kick out of seeing there names in the brick every time we walk by the old school house.
Check out your local schools, theatres, parks, museums or historical society for bricks or tiles to inscribe with your name.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


My daughter recently turned 6-years-old. We're having a party for her this weekend. She had originally wanted a tea party and then decided on Chuck E. Cheese. Luckily, I was able to talk her out of the latter-she's actually had a birthday with Chuck already. My daughter returned to her original idea of a tea party, but she was very insistant that boys would want to come too. I assured her that we could throw a tea party even boys would enjoy.
I brainstormed tea party ideas that would be different and not too "girly." Instantly, the Mad Hatter tea party from Alice in Wonderland popped in my head. I thought about tumblers instead of tea cups, everything mis-matched and silly, strands of paper lanterns, a croquet game, a card game, crafty hat-making, finger sandwiches and cups cakes inside tea cups. The party was all coming together in my head. I quickly looked up "mad hatter tea party" on line and discovered my ideas were not original, but still good. There are numerous websites (such as this one) that detail many ideas for throwing a Mad Hatter Tea Party.

My daughter's party will actually be a Mad Hatter's Ice Tea Party since it's summertime-especially here in Texas.

As usual, I raided the Dollar store for party necessities:
-Party supplies (plates, napkins, plastic wear)
-Decorations (colorful fake flowers, cards, balloons)
-Party favors and prizes (decks of cards, bug cather kits)
-Reusable water bottles to use as the tea cups (they're round, colorfully-striped with a cap and straw)
-Cake Mix, frosting and cup cake holders
-Hat making supplies (foam visers, foam cut-outs, pompoms, googly-eyes, pipe cleaners, stickers)

I'll prepare chicken salad, tuna salad and PB&J finger sandwiches, veggie and fruit trays, snacks, and of course TEA! I'll have plain, peach and rasberry teas to choose from.

I'll set up a party tent or canopy adorned with paper lanterns and a large table with plenty of chairs. The table will be covered with bright tablecloths and colorful doilies. An array of hats, mis-matched tea pots and cups all full of colorful fake flowers and playing cards will be the center piece of the table.

Upon arrival at the party, the guests will find all sorts of hat-making crafts and supplies on a separate table and will be able to make their own silly hat (in this case a visor again-since it's July in Texas!)

My mom purchased a lovely croquet set for my daughter's birthday- so it will be used for one of the party games. I'll have each kid have a go at hitting the ball through the wire hoop for a prize.

A second game will be called the Queen of Hearts. I'll place the same amount of cards in a hat as there are guests-making sure one of the cards is the Queen of Hearts. Whom ever draws the Queen will win a prize.

Birthday cup cakes will be served in mis-matched tea cups.

(We even had a rabbit hole)

Friday, July 04, 2008

HAPPY 4th of July 2008

Kemah, the small city that we live in, hosted their yearly 4th of July parade. Residents and local businesses were encouraged to join in the fun and participate in the parade. My kids love being in a parade and waving at all the people watching. The City invited all the kids to decorate their bikes, wagons or scooters and start the parade. Local police, fire trucks, other emergency vehicles, residents in decorated golf carts, and local business floats finsihed out the small-scale parade. It was a wonderful way to feel a part of the community and get to know the people that live and work here. Plus, the kids received a great goody bag and plenty of candy!

The boardwalk in Kemah shoots off fireworks every Friday in June and July-so tonight's fireworks are sure to be spectacular and we don't even have to leave the front yard to see them!