Mommy Time-How about ME time
When he's in town, my husband is pretty good about asking me if I need "Mommy time." Though I prefer the term "Me time," I exclaim "yes" and run out the door. Then, I run back in and grab my purse! Take advantage of ANY free time. And savor it-don't use the time to clean the house or buy groceries. I used to do that, but now I'm sane. ME time must completely for you-worry-free and guilt-free. YOU DESERVE IT!
Go to the park and read that book that's been collecting dust on your night stand for the last year.
Have coffee or better yet,
a bloody mary with a friend at your favorite cafe.
Get a manicure or pedicure or facial-if you've got the day-do it all!
Go see a non-Disney movie. Whatever it is, do something you enjoy. I live far from family, my husband is often out-of-town so getting ME time can be challenging. When the kids go to bed, I indulge by watching a scary movie or calling an old friend for a chat. I sometimes get up early on the weekends so I can enjoy a cup of coffee on the balcony by myself. I have even asked friends to watch the kids for just a few-fifteen-minutes, while I take a shower or a hot bubble bath. What a difference it makes to simply take a shower without my 3-year-old banging on the door, "mommy, what ya doin'?" "You takin' shower, mommy?" "Open the door, mommy, open the door." "Mommy, you wash under you chin, okay."
Where's the Calgon?
so....when are we getting around to that bloody Mary in the cafe? I'm always game!
Well, when Jon gets back in town-it's YOU, ME and BLOODY MARY!
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