Friday, August 19, 2005

I'm Going To Disneyland!

I've avoided Disneyland for the almost five years I've been living in Los Angeles. I just felt it wasn't worth my money or my time. I heard the California park doesn't even come close in comparison to DisneyWorld. I've been to DisneyWorld three times and absolutely love it-especially Epcot Center. But, I've got kids now and some friends at work are going this weekend. My friends are self-proclaimed Disneyland Dorks and they get great discounts and know all the ins & outs of the park. I hesitated at first, because my husband is out-of-town and I know he'd like to be a part of our kids' first trip to Disneyland. However, the opportunity has presented itself and is just too good to pass up! My friend gets discount tickets through her sister her works for Disney and they literally go every possible weekend. The group is about 8 people and all have agreed to help me out with my kids. They're actually quite excited to see how my three-year-old reacts to all the sights & sounds of Disneyland. Plus, I had no idea there is this "Child Swap" program. (When I first heard the term, I became defensive- I'm not swapping my child) The program allows your spouse, other family member or friend to wait with the kids while you enjoy the ride. Then, they're automatically next in line when you return to watch the kids. I'm actually looking forward to my Disneyland Adventure!
You know I heard that Disney did a study about how long people would hold trash before they would throw it on the ground-about 7 seconds. So supposedly the park is so clean because there is a trash can available about every 7 seconds.
Some park Tips I found on-line for doing Disneyland ala kiddos:

1 comment:

Reviews For Jake said...

Do we get a review?!