Walk for a cause & have some fun
A family that walks together, helps a cause and has a great time. I recently walked 6.2 miles for the APLA AIDS Walk along with my two kids. They got to ride along in the stroller for most of it. My three-year-old daughter and I had lots of fun and my 8-month-old just enjoys taking in the scenery. It's a good way to get some exercise with the kids. Plus, you can teach your children about helping out for a cause of your choice-maybe something that's close to home. Don't think these walk/runs are just for adults-plenty of children participate whether they're walking or riding in strollers or baby carriers. Most of these events provide snacks and drinks all along the way (my daughter even got ice cream) and have bathroom pit stops. There is usually entertainment too.
you shoulda posted on your blog. i woulda pledged you! I'm so happy Dawson's asthma is better. I had it up until i was like 14 and know how bad it can be. Might've been from all the glitter i started using by age 3.
LOVE the double stoller.
I'm still waiting to see the photo of Dawson dressing herself! I hear she is quite the fashionista!
I didn't think about putting the run on the blog-sorry...we raised over $19,000 though!
anonymous mary-I will post about my daughter's fashion style soon. My hubby "accidentally" through out the USB cable for the digital camera and I have to go buy a new one at Radio Shack...I have to include the picture of her.
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