Thursday, September 28, 2006

Did you know groceries can give you gas?

CHEAP gas!

Grocery store chains that also run gas stations have been selling gas at a lower cost than your average gas station. Many of these grocery store-owned fuel centers offer 3 cent discounts per gallon when you use your club card. Here in Texas, the Randall's grocery store chain has a special extended through mid October. With your club card and a $50 purchase of groceries, they'll discount your gas 10 cents a gallon. If you're a parent with an infant and/or toddler, you're spending $50 on diapers alone. You have to buy groceries, take advantage of this great deal! Get rewarded for all those groceries! You simply pull up to the pump. swipe your club card or enter the phone number associated with the account and the savings are automatic. I bought gas for $1.91 a gallon yesterday.

The grocery store/gas stations I use are Kroger's and Randall's. I would imagine several stores are offering these gas reward discounts in other states as well.


Fightin' Mad Mary said...

You bought gas for less than $2.00 a gallon??!!! urgh. I miss Texas. A lot.

Anonymous said...


You're my hero.