You Shaved My Son's Head???
I wasn't going to blog about the following incident because my anger had not yet subsided and it still doesn't quite make sense to me. But, I've since been asked several times, "Why on earth did you shave your son's head? He had such pretty hair." Well, I didn't shave his head. Nor did I give permission for the scalping.
Over a month ago, while I was enjoying BBQ and beer at the World Championship BBQ Cook-off, my son was begging my neighbor to cut his hair. The neighbors' boys have the "military fade" haircuts and the dad recently shaved his own head. My son wanted his head shaved too. The neighbor attempted to call me and another neighbor I was with at the BBQ, but could never get a hold of us. So he decided to listen to a three-year-old and shaved my son's head.
I noticed several missed calls from my neighbors' phone and finally spoke with them. They were both very apologetic, but assured me my son really, really wanted his hair cut. HE'S THREE-YEARS-OLD!! After the shock wore off, I took the news pretty well. I was disappointed and angry, but getting mad wasn't going to make my son's hair grow back!
I had fun the rest of the night and picked up my kids in the morning. The wife brought my son to me and there was no hiding my opinion. At that moment, I realized I'd never seen my son without hair. He was born with a thick head of hair and never lost it. Well, I almost lost my temper then. I remained calm as she told me how still my son sat while he was getting his hair cut--shaved. My son had just had his first real hair cut two weeks prior and wouldn't sit still with me holding him. The hairdresser thought she was going to cut her finger or my son's ear. I thought if my son sat that still maybe he did really want his hair cut. BUT, regardless, it's just not right not to get permission from a parent first!
There is one good thing to come from the whole ordeal-if you read the previous post, the head-shaving probably saved my son from getting lice...
BEFORE... and AFTER...
I wondered what happened when I saw the Easter photos... wow. We have to have a phone conversation about this post!! I'll call you soon.
I kinda of like the hair :(
looks good either way but wow. ballsy friends parents.
Yes, luckily he's got a handsome face and nice round head. It's grown in a bit and I'm liking the length now.
Short is modern get over it I (if I have a kid in the future would not allow it (him) to have long hair if you look at the before and after photos the before just looks messy
I like it shaved, but then Ive been shaving my boy's head since he was 2 (he is now 16). I come from military family so Dad, brothers always had crew-cuts or totally shaved. Boys with hair look odd to me! I think your boy looks super with it shaved! Looks smart and neat--the way I like it!
Tammy Sue
His hair is NOT shaved in the pic. That would be buzzed. He actually looks like a boy now instead of looking androgynous or female. That said, non family member adults should probably not be giving a haircut to someone else's kid without permission from the parents even if it does dramatically improve the looks of the kid as it did in this instance.
But stop trying to raise a narcissistic wuss OK.
Get over it. Your kid looks a helluva lot better with short hair.
As much as his hair does look awesome, I would be PISSED if someone did that without asking to one of my kids. But in saying that, I shaved my 2 year old's head today, and his father is very angry with me. I don't get what the big deal is. He had hair past his nose and he couldn't see properly through it!
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