That school bell will be ringing soon...
...are you and the kids ready? Are you hitting all the early bird "back to school" sales for clothes and supplies?
I thought I'd share the list of things I need to do before the start of school (my list is hanging on my fridge as a constant reminder):
-clean out all drawers and closets (Get closets ready for Fall wardrobe-get rid of junk, clutter, broken or old toys & go through grown out or worn out clothes) *this helps you figure out what clothes may be needed for the next school year
-get school bus schedule
-make dry erase board with morning and nighttime routines for the kids
-get the kids back on the "school" routine 2 to 3 weeks prior to school starting
-stock up on school items and snacks
-sign up for day care and after school care
-Check ups (make sure vaccinations are up-to-date)
-hair cuts
I had previously purchased a school supply kit from the PTA at my daughter's school - so I didn't have to add buy school classroom supplies to my list.
School starts August 25th for us and it's going to be here before we know it! Enjoy the rest of the summer!
My mother-in-law also did the back-to-school clothes custom essay writing services for my daughter-what a huge help!
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