Thursday, October 02, 2008


My daughter's school was hit hard by Hurricane Ike. The cafeteria is still out of commission due to flooding. The school has set up a make-shift cafeteria in the gym. Other schools in the district also suffered damage. ALL students have been offered free hot breakfasts and lunches for the next two weeks. The school district is even offering free or reduced meals to those families whose economic status has changed or those who have been displaced.

There are many students attending our elementary school that no longer have homes. I can only imagine how much free hot meals mean to those families. It's one less expense they have to worry about.

My family is lucky to have a home and finally electricity. But, I am grateful for the free meals as well. We've had three weeks of unexpected expenses and though our fridge now has power and has been bleached clean-it is still in need of groceries.

Thanks to the CCISD school board and everyone who has helped the schools, the students and their families.

1 comment:

TL said...

Dogg - I am keeping up with what's going on via your blog! Everytime I check in and see a new post I know you guys are ok :) You know we miss you and love you here!
