I'm usually quite diligent when it comes to laundry-specifically-making sure the socks aren't all balled up before going in the washer, checking clothes for stains, etc.
Well, apparently while in a rush to wash a load of clothes last night, I missed a rogue turd that must have been hiding in a pair of my son's underwear. It was a sly nugget too-as I missed it going in the washer and the dryer.
It wasn't until the dryer buzzer sounded that I discovered the evidence left by the sneaky piece of poo-evidence in the form of skid marks which soiled the white drum roller of the dryer. Oh, and the stench!
I'm grateful for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and Lysol.
You don't want to know about the lint trap...
SHUT UP! Hilarious!!!!!!!! I will forever check before washing.
Gross! I'm not looking forward to poop stained undies...
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