Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break

My sister and brother-in-law offered to take my two kids camping for Spring Break-along with their three kids!
My sister and her husband are brave indeed and incredibly kind. I am currently working on a big project as a contractor and taking vacation time is not easy or a good option financially. Instead of getting a break from work-I am getting a break from the kiddos. And I miss them terribly!

Today, I realized that I did not follow my own advise. I usually send a signed & notarized letter stating that I give permission to whomever is watching my kids to allow medical aid in case of an emergency. It's especially important to provide such a letter to alternate caregivers when your children are in another town.
I also include my health insurance information in the letter and an extra insurance card. It's easy to order backup cards online. The letter doesn't necessarily have to be notarized-but it does give the document more merit. Below is a sample of how the letter reads:


To Whom It May Concern:

I, ______________, mother/father of __________________________________ grant ________________________________________________permission to provide medical care and make medical care decisions for my children in my absence.

Thank you,


Health Insurance: Doctor Info:
ID No.:
Group No.:
Claims Phone No.:
Child's SS No.:
Child’s SS No.:

STATE OF _____________ §
COUNTY OF ____________ §

BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared ________________________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she/he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.
GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this ____ day of _____, 20__.


My sister is very familiar with my kids and being family and all-she already knows my emergency contacts in case she couldn't get a hold of me-but I have provided a document with the following helpful information/instructions to babysitters less familiar with my kids:

Nearest intersection:
With meals:
In an Emergency
 Call 911 or:
Doctor: Phone:
Name: Daytime phone:
Evening phone:
Name: Daytime phone:
Evening phone:
Name: Phone:
Additional Information

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