Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carveless Pumpkins for Halloween

In the midst of last minute decorations and preparations for an early Halloween party we hosted-we forgot to carve the pumpkins! No worries though-painted pumpkins are just as amazing! My daughter painted one pumpkin with just glow paint and we placed it under a blacklight. My daughter and her cousin also designed some pumpkin faces with simple black Sharpies. They're not fancy, but the kids enjoyed making them and they looked great.

Ghost pumpkins from parents.com
Little ghost-face lanterns lend a ghoulish glimmer to the mantel.

Here's how: Hollow out pumpkins (see tips below), then paint each one, including stems, white. Use a grease pencil to draw three circles for the face, varying the shapes of the eyes and mouth on each to give the pumpkins personality. Carve out. Place a small votive inside pumpkins to illuminate.

* To remove grease pencil markings that are visible after carving, wipe with a little Goo Gone on a paper towel.
* To Carve: Hollow the inside by cutting a 3-inch hole in the bottom with a serrated craft saw. Scoop out pulp and thin inside walls with a large spoon until shell is 1 inch thick.
* The Paint: Acrylic paint (available at craft stores) comes in tubes and small bottles, dries quickly, and won't peel off. Always clean paintbrushes with water after every use because the paint quickly hardens on the brush tip.

MarthaStewart.com is full of Jack o' Latern ideas.

And I thought this was the cutest lil' spider decoration from glueguncrafts.com & seems easy to make. (Click link for instructions)

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