Monday, August 27, 2007


Well, the hubby made it to town and we dropped our daughter off for her first day of Kindergarten! She was so excited. She picked out her own outfit (that actually matched) and even made her own lunch.

My sister suggested the following tip:

Ask my daughter all about her first day of school and document it. It's a wonderful way for everyone to remember such a milestone and a great addition to any scrapbook or photo album.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Don't try to pull a fast one on this mom!!

She's taking it to ebay!!


I like this mom & I gotta commend her for raising 6 kids!!
Very funny read-worth checking out the link!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


So, this is what happens when you think you've vacuumed the car really good, but didn't get all the cereal and crackers that fell between the seats and piled up underneath them; AND you also happen to have a rather large, hungry rat living in your garage that you thought was gone because you hadn't seen any "evidence" of it in a while; AND one of your kids left the car door open AND you didn't notice...

Yeah, that's right,
A - RAT - ATE -

A rat.

A real, live rat - ate my back car seat! Scurried right in that open car door and feasted on kiddy snacks hidden in the abyss beneath my back seat.

It's hard to imagine and yet I have photographic proof.

It's truly disturbing.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back to School...Back to Reality...Back to the here and now...

It's time to start getting back on a routine. I'm easing my kids into an earlier bedtime already so it's not such a shock to their system. (I've been spoiling them by letting them stay up later this summer)
My mother-in-law was kind enough to assist me in registering my daughter for Kindergarten and took her school supply shopping. I'm telling you it's a scavenger hunt trying to find the very precise items required by the school. We went to two stores and still haven't bought all the necessary supplies. This is all new to me. I missed the Elementary school's sale of pre-packaged school supplies (which they don't sell during registration?? Does it make sense for a school to make it easy for the kids who already go there and difficult for the new students???)
Well, I'll know for next year and hopefully you'll know now too!!
Wal-Mart and Target do have special end-cap displays set up with school supplies required by local schools. In addition, the stores have copies of the local school supply lists available.
My mother-in-law also did the back-to-school clothes shopping for my daughter-what a huge help!

OH-AND DON'T FORGET IT'S A TAX-FREE WEEKEND this weekend (August 17-19, 2007) in case you're still in need of back-to-school items! (or in my case, a new pair of shoes!)

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Last week while I was out-of-town, there was a horrendous thunderstorm in my neighborhood. The strong gusts of wind managed to blow open the door of my balcony. The door leads to the master bedroom which is carpeted. Luckily, my neighbor noticed the door had blown open and went over to my house to shut the door. She was worried about the down-pour damaging the interior of my home. Unfortunately, she was unable to find my spare house key and there aren't outside stairs attached to the balcony. My neighbor called the local police department. Two patrol cars arrived in less than 2 minutes. The policemen searched for my spare key and weren't able to find it.

The cops then called the local volunteer fire department for assistance. With siren blaring as dictated by protocol, the fire engine arrived at my house. All for a blown open door! The kind fire fighter raised the ladder up to the balcony to close the door. Another one of my neighbors came home from work just in time to see the two police vehicles and the fire truck in my driveway. He went over to find out what all the commotion was about. Once he understood the situation, he casually told the police where the spare key was hidden! All that hard work to raise that big, heavy ladder! (BTW-the carpet was spared and the house was searched for intruders-all is well)

I am so thankful for their dedication. If the police and fire departments went to all that trouble for my door, then I am very lucky to live in my neighborhood. I feel even more protected and safe than I already did.

My kids colored THANK YOU cards for the police and fire departments. We hand-delivered the cards along with cookies to the police and fire stations. I felt it was necessary in our case, but stopping by your local police and fire departments with homemade cards and cookies is a great way to get to know those who are looking out for you and your family! And to give them much deserved appreciation.Plus, my kids really enjoyed it!

Monday, August 06, 2007

National Neighbors Night Out August 7, 2007!

Get out and meet your neighbors!
It not only builds upon your support network, it's FUN!