Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's a (New) Family Tradition...

Our family Christmas included a few new traditions this year and they went over BIG!

The kids were instructed to make some sort of art project to bring to our Christmas Eve gathering.

Most of the kids brought a drawing or painting. There was a paper mache Santa, some hand-painted ornaments, and a snowman made from torn pieces of construction paper.
All the projects were amazing and the kids really enjoyed creating them.
The adults held a silent auction. Bids started at $1 with a $20 maximum bid. (Though a few coveted art pieces went for $27!). To be fair, the money raised was pooled together and divided amongst the children. Each child was also given an award certificate.

CHRISTMAS PHOTO BOOK-My cousin, Charlotte, created a Christmas photo book from pictures taken at last year's Christmas get-together. She used the website BLURB to create the book. Charlotte wrote that it was time to combine her love of family and passion for photography-we're glad she did! Each year the adults participate in a "Scrooge" game similar to a "White Elephant" gift exchange game. Charlotte's ever-so popular Christmas book was stolen the max of 5 times! I didn't get the book-guess I'll be buying it off the website.

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